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Public Schools in Compton, CA

Our database includes records of 36 public schools in Compton, California. Click a name from the below list to view location details.

School Name
Anderson Elementary
Bunche Middle
Bursch Elementary
Caldwell Street Elementary
Centennial High
Chavez (cesar) Cont. High
Compton Community Day High
Compton Community Day Middle
Compton High
Davis Middle
Dickison Elementary
Dominguez High
Emerson Elementary
Enterprise Middle
Foster Elementary
Jefferson Elementary
Kelly Elementary
Kennedy (robert F.) Elementary
King (martin Luther) Elementar
Laurel Street Elementary
Longfellow Elementary
Marshall (thurgood)
Mayo Elementary
Mckinley Elementary
Mcnair (ronald E.) Elementary
Roosevelt Elementary
Roosevelt Middle
Rosecrans Elementary
Tibby Elementary
Tri-c Community Day
Tubman (harriet) Cont. High
Walton Middle
Whaley Middle
Willard (frances) Elementary
William Jefferson Clinton
Willowbrook Middle

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