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Garden Grove Unified

Our database includes records of 67 schools in the Garden Grove Unified public school system which is located in Orange County, California. Click a name from the below list to view school system details or choose to narrow your search to schools in a specific California city.

Name Town
Alamitos Intermediate Garden Grove
Allen (ethan B.) Elementary Fountain Valley
Anthony (susan B.) Elementary Westminster
Barker (loyal) Elementary Garden Grove
Bell (hilton D.) Intermediate Garden Grove
Bolsa Grande High Garden Grove
Brookhurst Elementary Garden Grove
Bryant Elementary Garden Grove
Carrillo (leo) Elementary Westminster
Carver (mabel) Elementary Stanton
Clinton-mendenhall Elemtnary Garden Grove
Cook (a. J.) Elementary Garden Grove
Crosby (genevieve M.) Elementary Garden Grove
Doig (leroy L.) Intermediate Garden Grove
Eisenhower (dwight D.) Elementary Garden Grove
Enders Elementary Garden Grove
Evans (ethel M.) Elementary Garden Grove
Excelsior Elementary Garden Grove
Faylane Elementary Garden Grove
Fitz (stephen R.) Intermediate Santa Ana
Garden Grove High Garden Grove
Garden Park Elementary Garner Grove
Gilbert Elementary Garden Grove
Hazard (r. F.) Elementary Santa Ana
Heritage Elementary Santa Ana
Hill (merton E.) Elementary Garden Grove
Irvine (james) Intermediate Garden Grove
Jordan (donald S.) Intermediate Garden Grove
Jordan Secondary Learning Cent Garden Grove
La Quinta High Westminster
Lawrence (ernest O.) Elementary Garden Grove
Lincoln High School-continuation Garden Grove
Los Amigos High Fountain Valley
Luis Lake Intermediate Garden Grove
Marie L. Hare Continuation High School Garden Grove
Mark Twain Special Center Garden Grove
Marshall (john) Elementary Westminster
Mcgarvin (sarah) Intermediate Westminster
Mitchell Elementary Garden Grove
Monroe (james) Elementary Fountain Valley
Morningside Elementary Garden Grove
Murdy (john) Elementary Garden Grove
Newhope Elementary Santa Ana
Northcutt (mamie L.) Elementary Fountain Valley
Pacifica High Garden Grove
Paine (thomas) Elementary Garden Grove
Parkview Elementary Garden Grove
Patton Elementary Garden Grove
Peters (ocia A.) Elementary Garden Grove
Post Elementary Westminster
Ralston (dr. Walter C.) Intermediate Garden Grove
Rancho Alamitos High Garden Grove
Riverdale Elementary Garden Grove
Rosita Elementary Santa Ana
Russell (edward) Elementary Santa Ana
Santiago High Garden Grove
Simmons (linton T.) Elementary Garden Grove
Skylark Elementary Garden Grove
Stanford Elementary Garden Grove
Stanley (agnes Ware) Elementary Garden Grove
Sunnyside Elementary Garden Grove
Violette (c. C.) Elementary Garden Grove
Wakeham Elementary Garden Grove
Walton (izaak) Intermediate Garden Grove
Warren (earl) Elementary Garden Grove
Woodbury Elementary Garden Grove
Zeyen (louis G.) Elementary Garden Grove

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