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Public Schools in Tennessee

Our database includes records of 1693 public schools in Tennessee. Focus your search to a particular Tennessee public school system or click a name from the below list to view location details or choose to narrow the below list to schools in a specific Tennessee city.

Name City
Lookout Valley Elementary Chattanooga
Woodmore Elementary Chattanooga
Washington School Chattanooga
Calvin Donaldson Elementary Chattanooga
East Side Elementary Chattanooga
East Lake Elementary Chattanooga
East Lake Academy Of Fine Arts Chattanooga
Chattanooga State Mid College High School Chattanooga
Battle Academy For Teaching Learning Chattanooga
Brown Academy For Classical Studies Chattanooga
Hardy Elementary School Chattanooga
Christiana Elementary School Christiana
Christiana Middle School Christiana
Chuckey Elementary School Chuckey
South Central Elementary Chuckey
Carters Valley Elementary Church Hill
Church Hill Elementary School Church Hill
Church Hill Middle School Church Hill
Mcpheeters Bend Elementary Church Hill
Volunteer High School Church Hill
Clairfield Elementary School Clairfield
Clarkrange Elementary School Clarkrange
Clarkrange High School Clarkrange
Clarksburg School Clarksburg
Kenwood Elementary Clarksville
Kenwood Middle School Clarksville
Hazelwood Elementary School Clarksville
Liberty Elementary School Clarksville
Kenwood High School Clarksville
Sango Elementary Clarksville
Rossview Middle School Clarksville
Glenellen Elementary School Clarksville
Barksdale Elementary School Clarksville
Burt Elementary School Clarksville
Byrns L Darden Elementary School Clarksville
Clarksville High School Clarksville
Cumberland Heights Elementary Clarksville
East Montgomery Elementary Clarksville
Moore Elementary School Clarksville
Norman Smith Elementary School Clarksville
New Providence Middle School Clarksville
Northwest High School Clarksville
Ringgold Elementary School Clarksville
Saint Bethlehem Elementary Clarksville
Rossview High School Clarksville
Northeast High School Clarksville
Richview Middle School Clarksville
Minglewood Elementary School Clarksville
Northeast Elementary School Clarksville
Northeast Middle School Clarksville
Black Fox Elementary School Cleveland
Blue Springs Elementary School Cleveland
Ocoee Middle School Cleveland
Bradley High School Cleveland
Hopewell Elementary School Cleveland
Michigan Avenue Elementary Cleveland
North Lee Elementary School Cleveland
Oak Grove Elementary School Cleveland
Prospect Elementary School Cleveland
Taylors Elementary School Cleveland
Lake Forest Middle School Cleveland
Valley View Elementary School Cleveland
Waterville Elementary School Cleveland
North Cleveland Horizon Cleveland
Walker Valley High School Cleveland
Donald P Yates Primary Cleveland
Arnold Elementary School Cleveland
Cleveland High School Cleveland
Cleveland Middle School Cleveland
Ernest L Ross Elementary School Cleveland
George R Stuart Elementary School Cleveland
Mayfield Elementary School Cleveland
Blythe- Bower Elementary Cleveland
Frank Hughes School Clifton
Anderson Co. Career Technical Center Clinton
Clinton Middle School Clinton
Clinton High School Clinton
Dutch Valley Elementary School Clinton
The Learn Center Clinton
Anderson County High Clinton
Grand Oaks Elementary School Clinton
Clinton Elementary School Clinton
North Clinton Elementary Clinton
South Clinton Elementary Clinton
Coalfield School Coalfield
Coalmont Elementary School Coalmont
Grundy County High School Coalmont
College Grove Elementary College Grove
Crosswind Elementary Collierville
Tara Oaks Elementary School Collierville
Schilling Farms Middle School Collierville
Sycamore Elementary School Collierville
Collierville Elementary School Collierville
Collierville High School Collierville
Collierville Middle School Collierville
Collinwood Elementary School Collinwood
Collinwood High School Collinwood
Collinwood Middle School Collinwood
E A Cox Middle School Columbia
J R Baker Elementary School Columbia
J Brown Elementary School Columbia
Columbia Central High School Columbia
Highland Park Elementary Columbia
Mcdowell Elementary School Columbia
Riverside Elementary School Columbia
Spring Hill High School Columbia
Whitthorne Middle School Columbia
R Howell Elementary Columbia
J E Woodard Elementary School Columbia
Dodson Branch Elementary Cookeville
Algood Elementary School Cookeville
Putnam County Adult High School Cookeville
Cane Creek Elementary School Cookeville
Avery Trace Middle School Cookeville
Capshaw Elementary School Cookeville
Prescott Central Middle School Cookeville
Jere Whitson Elementary School Cookeville
Northeast Elementary School Cookeville
Park View Elementary School Cookeville
Cookeville High School Cookeville
Sycamore Elementary School Cookeville
Dry Valley Alternative School Cookeville
Copper Basin High School Copperhill
Cordova Middle School Cordova
Cordova Elementary School Cordova
Cordova High School Cordova
Macon-hall Elementary Cordova
Mount Pisgah Middle School Cordova
Dexter Elementary School Cordova
Dexter Middle School Cordova
Chimneyrock Elementary School Cordova
Cornersville School Cornersville
Cornersville Elementary School Cornersville
Corryton Elementary School Corryton
Gibbs Elementary School Corryton
Gibbs High School Corryton
Cosby Elementary Cosby
Smoky Mountain Elementary Cosby
Cosby High School Cosby
Jones Cove Elementary School Cosby
Cottage Grove Elementary Cottage Grove
Oakmont Elementary School Cottontown
South Side Elementary School Counce
Covington Middle School Covington
Covington Elementary School Covington
Crestview Middle School Covington
Covington High School Covington
Crestview Elementary School Covington
Covington Integrated Arts Academy Covington
Cowan Elementary School Cowan
J D Jackson Junior High School Cowan
Crab Orchard Elementary School Crab Orchard
Wilson Elementary School Crawford
East Robertson High School Cross Plains
East Robertson Elementary Cross Plains
Crossville Elementary School Crossville
Cumberland County High School Crossville
Glenn Martin Elementary Crossville
Homestead Elementary School Crossville
Stone Elem Crossville
South Cumberland Elementary Crossville
North Cumberland Elementary Crossville
Culleoka School Culleoka
Cumberland Gap High School Cumberland
Montgomery Central Elementary Cunningham
Montgomery Central High School Cunningham
Montg Central Middle School Cunningham
Dandridge Elementary School Dandridge
Jefferson County High School Dandridge
Maury Middle School Dandridge
Piedmont Elementary School Dandridge
Dayton City Elementary School Dayton
Frazier Elementary School Dayton
Rhea Central Elementary School Dayton
Meigs South Elementary Decatur
Meigs North Elementary Decatur
Meigs County High School Decatur
Meigs Middle School Decatur
Decaturville Elementary School Decaturville
Riverside High School Decaturville
Decherd Elementary School Decherd
Del Rio Elementary School Del Rio
Denmark Elementary School Denmark
West Middle School Denmark
Dickson County High School Dickson
Dickson Elementary School Dickson
Dickson Middle School Dickson
Oakmont Elementary School Dickson
Centennial Elementary School Dickson
The Discovery School Dickson
Dover Elementary School Dover
Stewart County High School Dover
Doyle Elementary School Doyle
Dresden Elementary School Dresden
Dresden High School Dresden
Dresden Middle School Dresden
Weakley County Regional High School Dresden
Drummonds Elementary School Drummonds
Ducktown Elementary School Ducktown
White Oak Elementary School Duff

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