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Public Schools in North Las Vegas, NV

Our database includes records of 33 public schools in North Las Vegas, Nevada. Click a name from the below list to view location details.

School Name
Area Tech Trade Ctr
Bridger Midsch
Brookman Elem
Bruner, Lucile Elem
Cahlan, Marion Elem
Cheyenne Hs
Cimarron-memorial Hs
Com College East Hs
Cozine Elem
Craig, Lois Elem
Cram Midsch
Elizondo, Raul Elem
Fitzgerald, H P Elem
Gilbert, C V T Elem
Herron, Fay Elem
Jeffery Credit Retrieval - Horizon North Hs
Jeffrey - Sunset No Hs
Lincoln Elem
Mackey, Jo Elem
Martinez, Reynaldo Elem
Mccall, Quannah Elem
Mojave Hs
Opportunity Jefferson
Priest, Richard Elem
Rancho Hs
Sedway Midsch
Smith, J. D. Midsch
Squires, C P Elem
Watson, Fredric Elem
Wilhelm, Elizabeth Elem
Williams, Tom Elem
Wolfe, Eva Elem
Wolff, Elise Elem

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